Pay-For-Placement PR
Pay just $500 to start. You only pay more if we get you in the news. Your total cost is capped at $3,000.
When you choose our Pay-For-Placement PR package, we’ll pitch you to the press the best way we know how:
Interview your company’s executives and/or employees
Craft a PR pitch
Distribute the pitch to at least 1,000 (and up to 3,000) handpicked journalists
IF our outreach results in a media placement, you’ll pay a performance bonus of no more than $2,500 - meaning the total cost of your campaign, including the $500 upfront payment, is capped at $3,000. (See the Pay-For-Placement Bonus Breakdown below.)
Placement Bonus Breakdown
$2,500 Bonus: For an organic feature in an outlet whose website receives over 10 million monthly page views (i.e. The New York Times)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
$2,000 Bonus: For an organic feature in an outlet whose website receives over 1 million monthly page views (i.e. ABC 7 New York)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
$1,500 Bonus: For an organic feature in an outlet whose website receives over 50,000 page views (i.e. TheCity.NYC)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
$1,000 Bonus: For an organic mention/quote in an outlet whose website receives over 10 million monthly page views (i.e. The New York Times)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
$750 Bonus: For an organic mention/quote in an outlet whose website receives over 1 million monthly page views (i.e. ABC 7 New York)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
$500 Bonus: For an organic mention/quote in an outlet whose website receives over 50,000 monthly page views (i.e. TheCity.NYC)
Please note: The bonus payment is capped at $2,500. For example, if we land you three Tier 1 Features and four Tier 3 Mentions, you will still only pay $3,000 ($2,500 Tier 1 Feature Bonus + $500 upfront fee).
The Fine Print & FAQ’s
Can you guarantee that this PR campaign will generate media coverage for my business? No. We do not offer guaranteed media coverage. If you’d like, we can connect you with agencies that offer guaranteed PR.
Is it possible that this PR campaign will lead to negative media coverage? Yes, it is possible that this PR campaign will lead to negative media coverage of your business. This has been a rare occurrence for companies we have worked with and we are happy to talk you through the likelihood of this possibility.
If you cannot stomach the possibility of negative press, do not do this.
How do you build the contact list of 1,000+ journalists? We use the PR database Muck Rack to build our journalist email list. It is, in our expert opinion, the best PR database on the market. Their software allows us to sort journalists by outlet, subject matter, region, job title, and more.
Unfortunately, we do not have the time or resources to guarantee that every journalist in the contact list we build actually covers the topic we are contacting them about. Put another way, sometimes we pitch meterologists stories that have absolutely nothing to do with the weather. Fortunately, no journalist has ever written an article or broadcast a story about how we pitched them an irrelevant story (though on some rare occasions they have tweeted about it.)
Interview Coordination: The Media Whisperer’s PR campaigns do not include interview coordination. In other words, if a journalist responds to our pitch, the response will be auto-forwarded to your email address and you will be responsible for answering the journalist directly and setting up an interview (i.e. giving the journalist your phone number, getting their phone number, or scheduling a zoom, etc.)
** If you would like us to coordinate interviews, there is a $500 fee **
How long does it take you to contact the 1,000+ journalists?: After you’ve signed up for a PR campaign, it may take as long as 2 weeks for us to prepare the PR pitch for distribution.We need this time to interview you/your team, write the PR pitch, build the media list, and load the pitch and media list into our email service platform. We then gradually distribute the email pitch to journalists for between 4 to 8 weeks; thus, the total length of a PR engagement runs between 6 weeks to 10 weeks.
That said, once we begin distributing pitches, journalists may respond at any point during the distribution period. If they decide to report about you/your business, they often require additional time - sometimes a few days, sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few months - to interview you, conduct research, and write an article or broadcast an on-air segment. On average, articles and broadcast segments about our clients are published and/or aired 4 weeks to 3 months after the start of a campaign.
** If you would like us to fast track outreach to journalists, there is a $500 fee. We will aim to begin distributing your pitch as soon as 48 hours after you sign up for a campaign, and no later than 1 week after you sign up**
Bonus fee expiration: A bonus fee will be due for any placements that are published/broadcast about your company by a journalist we contact within 6 months of the start of your PR campaign - capped at $2,500. Any placements that are published/broadcast after 6 months from the start of your PR campaign, you are not required to pay for.
How long will you spend writing my PR pitch? Between 1 and 3 hours. This is more than enough time for us to come up with 1 compelling story angle about your business.
** If you would like us to pitch multiple story angles to journalists, there is a $500 fee per additional story angle**
Can I edit the pitch before you send it out? Yes, you can. After we write the first draft of the pitch, we’ll send it to you for edits and approval. You are allowed 1 round of edits. But please remember these are private emails we are sending to journalists. It’s critical to keep the pitch short and to the point. If and when a journalist schedules an interview, you can go into more detail about your business, backstory, etc. If you’d like to learn more about how we write our pitch emails, check out this blog post.